A protest was staged in Washington D.C., by 2 different groups, one by the Black Lives Matter Alliance, and the other by a coalition of anarchist groups and the YLF, which would later merge together as the march went on.
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The RAM (Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement)’s New York Chapter staged a protest this Saturday against police brutality, in line with the Rochester Protests in honor of a black man strangled by police on March 23.
The city of Louisville, Kentucky, has taken to the streets after a decision made by a grand jury not to convict the murderers of Breonna Taylor at ~2:00 P.M. Thousands of protesters mobilized within hours to protest in her honor and against the conviction given. Police and white supremacist organizations have also responded brutally to the protests.
A massive protest started in Chicago today, with large turnout and a more militant stance against the police and the local government. […]
Last night, protesters in Portland had set up a phalanx of sorts with a shield wall, attempting to deescalate a confrontation with […]