A Nazi woman was confronted by several protesters in Portland after she was sighted wearing a swastika armband.
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The RAM (Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement)’s New York Chapter staged a protest this Saturday against police brutality, in line with the Rochester Protests in honor of a black man strangled by police on March 23.
A black man was shot overnight, the 29-year-old Dijon Kizzee. The police shot him and claimed that he had a gun trained […]
The city of Louisville, Kentucky, has taken to the streets after a decision made by a grand jury not to convict the murderers of Breonna Taylor at ~2:00 P.M. Thousands of protesters mobilized within hours to protest in her honor and against the conviction given. Police and white supremacist organizations have also responded brutally to the protests.
Lawmakers in Mississippi voted to remove the Confederate battle emblem from the state flag on Sunday, clearing the way for Republican Gov. […]