The city of Louisville, Kentucky, has taken to the streets after a decision made by a grand jury not to convict the murderers of Breonna Taylor at ~2:00 P.M. Thousands of protesters mobilized within hours to protest in her honor and against the conviction given. Police and white supremacist organizations have also responded brutally to the protests.
Monthly Archives: September 2020
Protesters took to the streets in Portland after more than 110 nights after the beginning of the George Floyd Uprising, this time demonstrations being for the grand jury to convict the officers who murdered Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky more than 4 months before.
A protest was staged in Washington D.C., by 2 different groups, one by the Black Lives Matter Alliance, and the other by a coalition of anarchist groups and the YLF, which would later merge together as the march went on.
Protesters in Portland took to the streets on the night of September 19th to demonstrate in the honor of Breonna Taylor, and to protest for the arrest of the officers that shot her 8 times in her sleep. They clashed several times with government security forces, and several were injured/arrested.
On the 13th of September, the police shot and killed an autistic man in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. They left his body in full view of everyone for hours, sparking a spontaneous protest outside of the police precinct.
A demonstration took place on the 12th of September against the current criminal justice system, and for the abolition of police and prisons in Oregon and the United States. Several groups participated, including the Youth Liberation Front, Defend PDX, and Rose City Antifa.
Protests continue in Rochester in the name of Daniel Prude, a man murdered by police earlier. Protesters have come under increasing attacks from conservative leadership, although in most cases it appears as though police continue to escalate.
Protests took place on the night of September 8th-9th against the police after the murder of 29-year-old Dijon Kizzee at the end of August. Mostly antifascists and black bloc groups took part in the protest whose attendance numbered at around 200. Police chased the protesters into a residential neighborhood and […]
The Proud Boy right-wing gang has been holding demonstrations in Salem declaring that “all lives matter” and in general violent opposition to the BLM protests that have been going on in the state. After a BLM protest in the area, Proud Boys chased down the organizers and straggling protesters and […]
The RAM (Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement)'s New York Chapter staged a protest this Saturday against police brutality, in line with the Rochester Protests in honor of a black man strangled by police on March 23.